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Tuesday 14 June 2011

(A.1.3) What is a Computer - Different Types Of Computers

There are many types of computers, but personal computers such as desktop and laptop computers are probably the two type of computers that you think of first.

Desktop Computers
Many people use desktop computers, or desktops as they are often referred to, at work, home, school, or the library. They can be small, medium, or large in style, and usually sit on a desk. The term desktop actually refers to the casing, or the tower. Once you add a monitor, mouse, and a keyboard, you have what is typically known as a desktop computer.

Most desktop computers are easy to upgrade and expand, or add new parts. In addition to expandability, another benefit of desktop computers is the cost. If you compare a desktop computer with 128 MB of RAM and a 2 GB hard drive to a laptop with the same features, you will most likely find that the desktop computer is priced lower.
The term desktop computer originated when the computer case was wide and flat, and was designed specifically to fit on your desktop with the monitor on top.

A typical Desktop computer

Laptop Computers
The second type of computer that you may be familiar with is a laptop computer, or laptops as they are often referred to. Laptops are battery or AC-powered personal computers that can be easily carried and used in a variety of locations.
A quick glance at the size of a laptop and you might guess that it would be difficult to expand or upgrade. While the desktop computer case is relatively easy to open and access internal components, the small laptop case makes this more difficult in comparison; however, the primary benefit of a laptop computer is its small size and easy portability.

A laptop computer is sometimes called a notebook computer because of its size.

A typical Laptop computer


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